As an amateur photographer or a videographer, you always think of improving and adopting innovative ways for setting up your business smoothly.

But when you decide to set up your studio, you will think about the perfect space, high-quality cameras, and specific lighting equipment for your professionally perfect captures. But your concerns do not end here. It also takes into consideration the cyclorama walls for the background in your studio.

 Why do you need to use this cyclorama wall or white infinity wall during the shoot in the studio? Let us find out:

What are Cyclorama or Cyc walls?

A Cyclorama is very often known as a Cyc wall. Sometimes, it is also called a green room, green screen, white studio, white infinity wall, infinity cyclorama, and cyclorama infinity wall. In this blog, we will use the term white infinity wall. This white infinity wall is an essential lighting element of the studio used as a backdrop that could add or minimize overall appeal. This white infinity wall gives an impression of an infinite background.

Cyc walls or white infinity walls are white background surfaces that create the vision of infinite space. These walled backgrounds contain one or more curved surfaces. They have seamless corners shaped appropriately to make it impossible to tell where the floor ends and where the wall begins.

In photography and videography, it creates tons of opportunities for lighting. A white infinity wall or cyc wall can give the impression that nothing exits behind the subject.

 White Infinity wall in studio background:

A white infinity wall used to shoot in the studio is ideal for circumstances where you want clean background for shooting product photography, headshots, and editorial photography.

By using a white infinity wall in the studio, you may also use it in combination with the green cyc to enhance the quality of effects in the film. 

Purposes and Benefits: 

The white infinity wall or cyclorama wall serves various purposes such as in:

  • Media Field:
  • Television commercials
  • Music videos, dance routines, and other types of commercials
  • Special effects in movies

How does the white infinity wall work in the mentioned media fields?

 The white infinity wall or cyc wall in the media fields like television, videos, and movies creates a flawless background for shooting. It helps to make the background according to the picture or video requirements.

 Using the white infinity wall or white cyc wall enables the photographer and videographer to have complete control in order to choose the background effects of their choice and needs. 

How is the white infinity wall useful for the virtual reality industry? 

In virtual reality photography, you can make use of a white infinity wall in:

  • Digital photography
  • In photography
  • Still photography

 For the use of the computer system, the white infinity wall background is very advantageous for illustrating a visually attractive virtual reality image. The white infinity wall enables adding special effects in the movies and videos such as those that are popular among people these days. 

The white infinity wall can also be used to create the illusion of clouds on the platform. A concave or curved white infinity wall joins the floor and ceiling. The curve in the cyc white infinity wall while shooting, placed for the background in the studio, obstructs the shadow where the cyc wall joins up at a ninety-degree angle with the ceiling and the floor. It helps to increase the visual effects and allows various probabilities of lighting and more. 

The cyclorama or white infinity wall is much more commonly used than most people think. In photography and video production, it is something you will find all the time. 

Using the white cyclorama wall or white infinity wall in your next studio photography and videography shoot can offer benefits like:

  • Creating the visual image of unlimited space:

A white infinity wall background includes more than one curved surface to develop a suitable backdrop with no perceptible beginning or end. Therefore within this industry, it is referred to as ‘the infinity background’ or a ‘cove’ for the curved pieces.

 To expand the background effects, you can connect the coves to more than one wall.  The never-ending space creates an aesthetically pleasing visual that also makes the image a natural focal point.

  • Creating versatile backgrounds:

In the virtual set productions, the cyclorama is used to composite technology to create the virtual sets of high-quality cyc crucial backgrounds. With a white infinity wall, you may also get the most adjustable and efficient backdrop for shooting photography in the studio. 

In the background, light spreads more evenly with no shadows, provides a natural brightness, and becomes the source of light on appropriately setting them.  Having steady backdrops in the studio means that you will be able to shoot smoothly even without changing angles and lighting arrangements. 

The main aim of the white infinity wall is to provide an open and alluring atmosphere making the subject stand out. 

  • Creating the desired background effect:

When it is about your photography and videography shoot, you focus on creating exceptional, high-quality art. No matter which industry you belong to, shooting in front of a white infinity wall is the best thing you can do. This integral white infinity wall in photography helps to create a timeless look with the desired backdrop of photographers.

 If you need a better-looking backdrop in the studio for shooting a photograph, all you need is the soft and even cast light that will look great with your camera. Ensure that this curved white infinity wall gets the even light falling from the source of light, kept in the studio at any distance. 

Keep a soft source of lighting and diffuse it by slightly removing it from the wall and avoid having them create hotspots. With blank backing, you can also set up lighting that helps to create different moods with no interference. The setting of general lighting needs to be completed first, then adjusted to create a better sense of contrast.

A cyclorama white infinity wall enables you to experiment with different shots with the most adaptable backgrounds for photography and videography.   

  • Creating a background for any form of film media:

 Cyclorama or cyc or white infinity wall has a long history of use in film and television studios. A white infinity wall is a studio area with a sizeable base for a set that allows for a simple, clean environment to shoot. When cyclorama is painted croma green, the shadowless surfaces provide the perfect studio space for shooting heavy VFX shots.  

In a television studio, a cyclorama or white infinity wall is used to create a panoramic image of a sky, to make the viewers feel as if they are standing in the middle of the place in the created image.

  • Easy changing angles and positions:

A cyclorama or white infinity wall will allow you to create the illusion of a large room in the studio with free space for shooting and convenient movement for cameras.

A perfectly flat wall is a good backdrop, but when moving things around and setting up a new camera angle, the new pose of a subject can make your studio space crowded. However, the curves in the white infinity wall will open up more space in the studio and allow you to keep the movement on with minimum fuss. 

  • Making effective lighting:

Lighting up a white infinity wall goes hand in hand. The brightness and reflectivity of a cyclorama or white infinity wall will help to spread the light evenly in the studio. It can eliminate the obstructive shadows and put forth your subjects in the best light. When shadows seem to appear, you can fix this easily with lights and backlights.

  • Helps in adding special effects: 

A white infinity wall is painted in chroma key green to utilize the green screen special effects. This is a significant advantage of using a white infinity wall for photography and videography shoots in the studio.

 The smooth and seamless surface of a white infinity wall can also help to produce believable special effects, perform virtual reality shoots, add computer graphics, and much more.

  • Easy editing:

 As a professional photographer and videographer, you appreciate a studio with a backdrop that makes it convenient for editing and manipulating photographs during the post-production and development process. A white infinity wall with a smooth and seamless appearance allows you to shoot your subjects and make all the changes you need. 

When you are planning to produce photos for an online commercial or magazine catalog, a handy white infinity wall simplifies things, while you use photo editing and design programs to construct layouts.

You may also use this white infinity wall for your home photography studio. One benefit of this is the ability to control every aspect of the environment in which you shoot.

You may also add illustrations and graphic designs with a cyclorama or a white infinity wall. They help professional photographers create beautiful photoshoots with unmatched versatility.

In your next video or film shoots with the use of a white infinity wall at your studio, you can also create a timeless look by using the following steps:

  • Keep distance between the source of light and the studio backdrop:

During the shoot in the studio, for a better white backdrop, you need to place a soft and even cast light source for your camera to get the best shot. These only can be done by positioning the source of light at a certain distance from the backdrop. Due to this, the light will get a more appealing and even look. Ensure that the sources of light kept at a distance are spreading even light on the infinity white wall.

  • Add contrast to the image:

While lighting a white infinity wall or a cyc wall, the first thing you can do is put all the light onto the wall and notice what happens. This will enable you to realize that you can add contrast to the image through the lighting. Although the cyclorama wall background is chalk-white, you can add contrast to any image.

  • Adopt soft lighting sources:

When lighting your white infinity wall in the studio, shadows can be an unwanted effect. They could even change aspects of the whole shoot. To avoid this, use soft sources of light that will help in avoiding unwanted effects in the shoot and save on money.

Some technical aspects of a white infinity wall for your studio

Building a white infinity wall in your studio is much like any construction project.

How to measure a cyclorama or a white infinity wall?

Measuring your cyclorama or white infinity wall includes studio measurements. It means you need to include the perimeter, cyclorama wall radius, and ceiling height. You will also need to consider the number of inside corners and select a type.

The cyclorama wall radius

A full cyclorama wall radius is ¼ of the diameter of a circle to cover the horizontal distance from the floor to wall, from wall to wall in the corners, or vertical distances. The aim is to conceal the right angle intersections from wall to the floor, wall to wall, if possible, wall to ceiling, with a top radius. All cyclorama wall radius joints need to be a surface that is as even as possible with non-evident seams.

How much cyclorama wall will your studio need?

The size of your studio will determine some of these decisions. First, you need to look at the walls you have in the studio. The cyclorama wall radius key is- the bigger the curve of the studio, the greater the lighting will be.

Where to get a cyclorama wall?

If you happen to need a white infinity wall or cyclorama wall for your photography or videography studio, feel free to visit, contact or e-mail us.